Bees, Butterflies
and All Things
The Keene Center is a Monarch Waystation
We have planted native flowering perennials all around the farm to serve our pollinator friends. These plants are especially helpful for supporting Monarch butterflies on the migratory paths.
Species of plants that we have cultivated include milkweed, sedum, echinacea, bee balm, and many others.
Your yard could also be a Monarch Waystation. Please click the button below to learn more and help support these beautiful and important creatures.

Please welcome Terry Eberhart to the Keene Center at Walnut Acres Organic Farm.
Terry is a lifelong friend and budding Bee Keeper. This week he spent time on the farm doing some spring cleaning on the bee hives.
With Terry’s help, these hives will once again pollinate the Keene Center Community Gardens, the surrounding native plants, and crops.
Check back here regularly to learn more about pollinators and how you can help attract them to your own garden!

The Role of Pollinators in Organic Farming
Here at Walnut Acres Organic Farm, we are, in our own small way, trying to help restore the honeybee population. We thought it might be helpful for you to understand why bees are important to an organic farm and how we are caring for our bees.
Make Your Own Beehive
This video from our friends at Ask This Old House will teach you how to create your very own beehive.